Environmental Policy – Backup 29.07.22

SciQuip Ltd in striving to help further the advances in scientific and clinical research together with supporting local business development does so in the knowledge that we all have a responsibility to the environment and future generations.

Protection of the environment in which we live and operate is part of SciQuip’s values and principles and we consider it to be sound business practice. Care for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and an important part of the way in which we do business.

In this policy statement we commit our company to:

  • Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice;
  • Protecting the environment by striving to prevent and minimise our contribution to pollution of land, air, and water;
  • Seeking to keep wastage to a minimum and maximise the efficient use of materials and resources, recycling all materials whenever and wherever possible;
  • Managing and disposing of all waste in a responsible manner;
  • Providing training for our staff so that we all work in accordance with this policy and within an environmentally aware culture.
  • Regularly communicating our environmental performance to our employees and other significant stakeholders.
  • Developing our management processes to ensure that environmental factors are considered during planning and implementation;
  • Monitoring and continuously improving our environmental performance.

The policy statement will be regularly reviewed and update as necessary. The management team endorses these policy statements and is fully committed to their implementation.


Mr Matthew Brooksbank


Date: 15th January 2008

Sustainability Policy

SciQuip Ltd is committed to a policy of sustainable development meeting the needs of present business, employees and the wider local community without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainability for SciQuip Ltd

We recognise the importance of being able to conduct our business in an affordable, environmentally and sustainable manner increasing productivity and the quality of life for our employees, neighbours, local community and the general environment within the UK.

SciQuip Ltd is committed to sustainable sourcing of products and materials in order to minimise waste and ensure a higher quality of life for all those involved within our business.

SciQuip will:

Continuously review its performance with regard to sustainability

  • Identify opportunities and take action where practical to improve sustainability
  • Identify and mitigate adverse impacts and risks
  • Ensure a mind set of sustainability within all of our employees and business practices
  • Continuously improve where practical our employee relations, health, development and inclusion
  • Continuously improve wherever practical our client relations, environmental co-operation, health and safety and inclusion
  • Ensure minimal impact on our local community, whilst supporting all aspects of that community including local employment, sourcing, sponsorship and charity
  • Regularly review the sustainable impact and policies of our suppliers of our suppliers
  • Strive to improve our environmental impact especially with respect to noise, waste, pollution, land and water use
  • Increase wherever practical the use of sustainable/renewable energy sources


Mr Matthew Brooksbank


Date: February 2012

We are delighted to announce that as of April 2012, our primary carbon footprint is offset! Many thanks to carbonfootprint and treeappeal for helping us to plant broad-leaved native trees.